For water-repellent impregnation of facades and tile-to-tile joints
- Does not change the color of the lower stratum
- Deeply penetrates the lower stratum
- Quickly gains water repellent properties
- Protects the lower stratums from bleaching (paints, decorative plasters)
- Provides a stable and effective “lotus effect” (water collects in drops and rolls off the surface without leaving any marks)
- Does not stick during drying-out
- Environmentally friendly, solvent free
GLIMS®FobosГрунт is an aqueous silicone dispersion intended to impart water-repellent properties (hydrophobization) to such mineral lower stratums as cement grout, brick walls, sand-lime brick, natural sandstone and mineral plasters. It is also suitable for weakly absorbing lower stratums made of dense natural stone, limestone, marble and reinforced concrete for bridges and roads. It is recommended for facades conservation. GLIMS®FobosGrunt contains a stabilized mixture of silans and siloxanes, which hydrolyzes at application to the surface and quickly turns into a water-repellent silicone resin. The primer reduces the capillary intake of the impregnated material, but does not close the pores, and, therefore, does not deteriorate the vapor permeability (does not prevent the material from “breathing”).
Before GLIMS® FobosГрунт application the lower stratum must be cleaned from dust, dirt, loose and weak layers. Cement plasters, adhesives or grouts can be treated with a primer no earlier than 3 days after their application.
Moisten the surface with a primer by a brush or roller. The primer application in two steps "wet-on-wet" provides full coverage. Depending on the lower stratum absorption capacity the total primer consumption is from 0.1-0.25 kg/ m2. If it starts raining, stop processing and cover already impregnated sections. Apply at a temperature not lower than +5°C. Do not apply on “severely frozen” lower stratums. The hydrophobic effect is manifested as early as 24 hours after the primer application, it takes 2-3 weeks for a full gain of water-repellent properties.
0,1-0,25 kg/m2.
bottle of 1 kg; pail of 10 kg.
Transport and store the cans in conditions ensuring the packaging safety at a temperature not lower than +5 and not higher than +35°C. The storage period is 12 months. TU 5775-007-40397319-2004 № Г-7015