Water-resistant poured floor for finish leveling for any type of coating. For industrial and domestic use. For exterior or interior use. Manual or mechanical application.
- Rapid-hardening
- Extra-strong
- Non-shrink, crack resistant
- Can be used without joint displacement indicators
- Very high mortar mobility
- Creates a perfectly smooth base
- High adhesion to the lower stratum
- "Heat-insulated floor" system
It is applied on concrete, cement-sand screed coats and on top of the old cement floor. The surface must be dry, durable, free from dust, dirt, paint and grease stains. Remove peelable areas and a weak top layer of concrete by smooth machining or milling. It is recommended to seal all through-wall trenches and openings present on the surface of the lower stratum. Treat the cleared surface with a primer GLIMS®PrimeГрунт by means of a brush or the roller. If screeding is performed in several layers, priming should be done before each leveling layer; the previous layer being completely dry to ensure the normal primer soak-up into the lower stratum. At possible moisture ingress it is recommended to perform additional waterproofing in the kitchens, bathrooms, on balconies, terraces and verandas with GLIMS®ВодоStop or GLIMS® GreenResin materials before starting work. GLIMS®CF-10 should be poured 3 days after waterproofing application. At application and solidification of GLIMS®CF-10 the temperature of the lower stratum and the environment must not be lower than +5 ° C.
Pour the package contents into a reservoir with clean water at a rate of 0.22-0.24 l of water per 1 kg of dry mix (4,4-4,8 l per bag of 20 kg) and mix thoroughly with a mixer machine to even consistency. Keep the mortar for 5-7 minutes and mix it once more. The poured floor acquires all the characteristics of plastic properties and fluidity after repeated mixing. The mortar is in working order for 25-30 minutes.
Fasten a damping tape 3-5 mm thick around the perimeter of the room. Pour the mortar onto the prepared lower stratum until the specified level is reached and further disperse it with the spreader – a needle roller and/or a notched trowel. It is recommended to pour the floor by stripes with a width of 30-40 cm, starting from the corner of the room towards the exit. It is necessary to ensure the continuity of the process of the floor pouring at least within one room. During pouring it is possible to walk on the mortar in bauchles or rubber boots for 20 minutes from the time of the mortar preparation. In other cases, the surface is divided into several sections, the mould is arranged, the prepared section is poured, the mortar sets (at least 2 hours), the mould is rearranged and the next section is poured. With large differences in the poured sub-floor within the same room (poured area) the work should be carried out in two stages: I - filling deep roughnesses (up to 10 mm thick) and technological drying; II - continuous pouring of the section (no more than 10 mm thick). Within 2 days from the beginning of the work execution it is necessary to avoid drafts and severe changes in air temperature. Further work can only be done after the floor has completely dried. Expansion joints in premises with an area of less than 6 * 6 m2 are not required to be cut; in large areas expansion joints are cut into cards of no more than 6 * 6 m2. The poured floor GLIMS®CF-10 is recommended for use in the "Heat-insulated floor" system as a finish layer (preparation of the lower stratum, preparation of the mortar and works execution technology do not change). While working it is necessary to observe the norms of SNiP and industrial hygiene.
1,5 kg/m2 per 1 mm of layer thickness.
craft paper bags 20 kg (net).
During transportation and storage, bags with dry mortar should be protected from damage and soaking. The storage period is 12 months. Dry floor leveling self-compacting mortar mix, GOST 31189- 2015.
The material is environmentally friendly in use and operation. Operation temperature range – from -50 to +70 ° С.
Dry mortar and hardened material must be disposed as building waste. It is forbidden to throw materials into the sanitary piping. The kraft paper bags should be disposed as household garbage. TU5745-010-40397319-2003 №0380/6